Graffiti Abatement

Graffiti Abatement

The City of Brawley, through its Police Department, is committed to addressing the issue of graffiti, which detracts from the beauty of our community. In accordance to City of Brawley Ordinance Sec. 19.29-Graffiti Abatement, it is the duty of every property owner within the city to remove any graffiti on their property when it’s visible from the street or other public or private property.  To support property owners in this endeavor, the City of Brawley offers a voluntary and complimentary graffiti removal program.


Property owners interested in participating must sign the City’s Graffiti Removal Authorization Consent Form. This authorization will allow our team to access your property and paint over the graffiti, closely matching the building's color using the best of our available resources. If you have paint that matches the affected area, please notify our graffiti abatement staff so we can arrange to use it.


We encourage all residents and businesses to get involved in our graffiti abatement efforts. For more details, please refer to the Graffiti Removal Authorization Consent Form. Together, we can maintain the aesthetic and value of Brawley.


“Cleaner City – Brighter Life”


If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911 and report it immediately to the Brawley Police Department. Do not confront the vandals. Although they may appear to be harmless, they may be carrying weapons. The police will respond based on the priority of the crime compared to others for which they have calls at the time.


Graffiti Hotline

(760) 344-2111 Option #0 then #1
  • Determine whether the property is public or private. If the property is private, then the owner must sign the consent form. CLICK HERE for the consent form.

  • Location of graffiti (e.g. list street name, block, near railroad crossing, building).

  • If possible, when was the graffiti was done?

  • If the owner wishes to have the exact color, then the paint needs to be provided by the owner.

If you would like to donate supplies (such as; paint, water, brushes, paint roller, etc.), email Graffiti Abatement Program at

Community Members assisting in graffiti clean up.
Ongoing Upkeep
  • Keep property Clean, neat, and graffiti free. Properly dispose of old ½ full spray paint cans. Recycle leftover paint at Sherwin-Williams El Centro or Imperial. Call ahead for hours and to make sure the store can accept the amount and type of paint you would like to recycle.

Promptly Remove Graffiti
  • Removal within 24 to 48 hours reduces the chance of long-term repetitive re-occurrence.

Control Access & Thru Traffic
  • Incorporate shrubs, thorny plants, and vines to restrict access to graffiti vandals.

  • Use fences, controlled entrances and exits, rails, and other barriers.

  • Limit and/or Secure access to rooftops.

Step-Up Security
  • Add or improve outside lighting to assist officers and citizens in the area.

  • Install security cameras over trouble areas.

  • Organize a “Neighborhood Watch.”

  • Imperial County Probation - Community Work Service Program

  • Christ Community Church of Brawley

  • Brawley Union High School

If you are interested in volunteering and assisting the Graffiti Abatement Program email


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