Children's Literacy Program

Children’s Literacy Services

The Children’s Literacy department offers various services to the children in the community according to their age groups, whilst simultaneously welcoming everyone to our programming.

Our programming consists of story times, crafts, daily activities provided in our children’s area, and seasonal activities such as:

Involves providing parents with information about how to introduce reading to their children.

In this way, when children join kindergarten, they will already have been exposed to reading in an enjoyable way.

The library provides the reading logs and a guide provided by the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten organization. A list of the suggested books that we have available in our library is also available.

This program is a great resource to encourage parents and children to bond during reading time.

Consists of a space dedicated to the younger members of the community.

In the library, they can find some entertaining activities while bonding with their caregivers and socializing with the other program attendees.

The program is designed to reinforce skills required for future kindergarten students and guide children to develop some new ones.

Calendars with home activities and supplies are provided by the Brawley Public Library.

Offers story time and crafts during summer (starting June) based on a yearly topic provided by the iREAD organizations.

During this program, story times, crafts, activities, and presentations provided to the community are tied to the topic provided for the year.

The program's goal is to enhance reading and develop the social skills of the participants while they are having fun and learning during their school summer break.

Is a story time program provided by Imperial County.

Their story times are divided into three groups

Shake, Rattle & Read

Infants ages 0-18 months

Tales for Tots

Toddlers ages 18-36 months

Preschool Power

Children ages 3-5 years

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Brawley Public Library

(760) 344-1891 ext. 5007


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