Planning Division

Planning and Zoning Department

Planning is a process to formulate future plans and ordinances, ensuring full public participation, and providing the Planning Commission and the City Council with the necessary information to make intelligent and informed decisions. Through the California Constitution, the State has delegated the responsibility of implementing local policies and development to each City through the City General Plan.

Some of the specific functions of the Planning Department are to revise the General Plan, review of specific plans, amend the General Plan, keep the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances current, handle Conditional Use Permits, Specific Plans, Zone Changes, Variances, Major/Minor Subdivisions (Tract Maps/Parcel Maps), Site Plans, Adjustment Plats (Lot Line Adjustments, Lot Mergers) and Certificates of Compliance. The Planning Department also works with other city departments to provide administrative and technical assistance with their projects.  The Planning Department is also a key point of contact for Economic Development activities.

Planning and Zoning Department

(760) 351-2656

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Closed Noon to 1:00 PM

Hours may vary depending on staffing. Appointments may be made by phone or email.

The following documents are available for viewing:

Planning Commission

The City of Brawley's Planning Commission provides a crucial service to the City. The members of the committee advise the City's departments on issues related to land use, transportation, and current planning. 

To access the meeting video, click on the image.


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