Adult & Family Literacy Program

Adult Literacy Services

Our services are offered to adults, 16 years or older who are not enrolled in school, who would like to improve their English reading skills with the help of volunteers from the community.

One-on-one tutoring is available upon enrollment in the program.

Additional services offered to our learners include:

Test Prep

Computer Skills

Citizenship Prep

What is the Adult Literacy Program?

Our program provides educational opportunities for adults who want to improve their literacy skills. Learners can develop reading, writing and critical thinking skills through one-on-one tutoring sessions that will focus on the individual's needs.

Who are the students?

Any adult who needs help in developing their literacy skills for a variety of reasons, whether to read a book or prepare for a test.

Our learners are interested in using language and literacy more comfortably.

How much does it cost to be in the program?

The program is completely free, we only ask that individuals fill out paperwork at their first program.

Who are the tutors?

Most of our tutors are community volunteers who are interested in helping others.

Where are the sessions held?

Our program offers in-person sessions at our main branch.

Where can I sign up?

Call the library at (760) 344-1891 or email us at to set up an appointment.

Check out our Events & Programs page to see what's coming up next!

D Valdez

Adult & Family Literacy Coordinator
(760) 344-1891 Ext. 5003
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