Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Department is tasked with enforcing city code violations related to blight issues or hazards that are either visible to the public or have been reported. The department's personnel investigate these violations and seek compliance through education and enforcement efforts, which may include civil or criminal prosecutions as necessary.


What Is a Violation?

The enforcement program is focused on investigating and rectifying violations of the City's Municipal Codes. These codes cover the use and maintenance of both private residential and commercial properties. The department also investigates and conducts inspections for vehicle abatement, blight and nuisance problems, weed abatement, and addressing unsafe, illegal, or unlicensed construction or conversions, as well as illegal dumping.

Common code violations include:

Vehicles - Vehicles can be parked on the street or in public view for 120 consecutive hours. Vehicles must be licensed and operational. Inoperable vehicles on private or public property must be parked inside garage out of public view.

Parking in Yards - Vehicles can be parked in your driveway if they are licensed and operational.

Weeds and Overgrown Vegetation - Dead, decayed or diseased weeds, shrubs or brush... overgrow vegetation likely to harbor rats, mice or other vermin.

Lot Abatement - Vacant lots are to be free of trash, debris and dry vegetation.

Trash Container Storage - Trash containers shall not be situated more than five feet from, the curb accessible to the person collecting the refuse and shall be removed within 48 hours after such collection.

Trash and Debris - Lumber, refuse, abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture and appliances, cannot be visible from the public right-of-way nor be stored as to constitute a health or safety hazard.

Parking and Storage or Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and or Trailers - No RV’s, trailers, trucks (semi’s) and buses are permitted to park on any street for any period longer than 12 hours without a permit. Permits can be obtained at the Brawley Police Department.

What Is Not a Violation?

Code Compliance does not handle neighbor disputes or civil problems involving one individual against another that do not violate public law.

Examples of civil issues:

  • Over-watering of lawns

  • Fencing repair disputes

  • Overhanging tree branches (when one neighbor’s trees or plants drop leaves, debris or cause damage to another’s property or fence)

  • Enforcement of private conditions, covenants and restrictions

Enforcement Options

When a code violation is identified, a Code Enforcement Officer has several methods at their disposal to ensure compliance, including:

  • Issuing notices of violations, correction notices, and inspection orders

  • Providing summary abatement

  • Giving citations

  • Executing inspection and abatement warrants

  • Delivering warnings

Reporting Violations

You may file a complaint by filling out a Report of Code Violation form and faxing it to 760-351-1719 or delivering it to Brawley Police Department, located at 351 Main Street, Brawley, CA 92227. If you have questions whether a violation has occurred, call our office at 760-344-2111. You will be asked to provide:

  • Street name and number where the violation is observed.

  • Whether it is a code violation, complaint, or nuisance.

  • Details of the violation, such as make, model, and license of vehicles involved, type of debris, or location of the nuisance on the property.

  • Your name, address, and telephone number. Your identity will be kept confidential unless disclosure is required by law.

Ways to Improve Your Neighborhood Right Now

It's important to remember that living in a good neighborhood is not just a right but a shared responsibility.

  • Report crime promptly.

  • Report nuisances and other non-criminal problems promptly.

  • Turn your porch light on.

  • Pick up the litter near your home, even if you didn’t put it there.

Take any additional steps necessary to ensure your neighborhood remains a safe and pleasant environment for living, working, schooling, and raising a family.


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