Bids & RFP/SOQs
The City of Brawley's request for bids and proposals, bid results, and notices of award can now be obtained through the City of Brawley Vendor Portal
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications, and contract documents. The City of Brawley intends to improve the communication between the Public Works Department and Main St and 6th Street traffic signals. The improvements consist of installing new PVC conduit with fiber optic cable along Western Ave and Main St and equipment inside the Public Works department, the traffic signal controller cabinet at Main St and 3rd St, and the traffic signal controller cabinet at Main St and 6th St. The work also consists of major modifications at Main St and 6th St including removal of existing traffic signal equipment and mast arms mounted to building exteriors, the installation of new traffic signal poles with foundations, new ADA compliant pedestrian ramps including “bulb-out” civil improvements on the south side of Main Street additional traffic signal related equipment includes, but is not limited to, new signal cable and wiring, new vehicle detector loops and cards, new EVP detectors with mounting, new CCTV with mounting, new 12” LED vehicle heads with mounting, new pushbutton assemblies, new conduit and pull boxes, etc. Minor striping improvements shall also be part of the project.
It is intended that the work be completed in every respect under the Contract, and such items or details not mentioned above that are required by the Contract documents shall be furnished, performed, placed, constructed, or installed by the Contractor.
The work must be completed within 60 calendar days after the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed.
Provide public outreach services pertaining to a local ballot measure for upcoming municipal election. The City desires to ensure voters are accurately informed and understand the issues and potential outcomes of ballot measure.